Deburring and Edge Finishing Handbook
PRICE REDUCED! This hands on guide has been written for all levels of manufacturing professionals responsible for providing a competitive advantage in their use of deburring and edge finishing methods.
PRICE REDUCED! This hands on guide has been written for all levels of manufacturing professionals responsible for providing a competitive advantage in their use of deburring and edge finishing methods.
Deep Drawing--The Four Cylinder Approach To Metal Forming
Design Capabilities for Powder Metal Miniature Parts
Cutting Tool Geometries
Cutting Tool Materials
Deep Drawing of Metals
Whether you're involved in a highly specialized operation, or need comprehensive information on many types of die designs, this book is your best bet book on how to design dies. Hundreds of illustrations on proven designs are included, as well as hundreds of tables and equations to help you make quick calculations for allowances, pressures, forces and more.
Distortion Engineering--Identification of Causes for Dimensional and F
Diagnosing Potential Obstacles to the Introduction of Automation