The purpose of lean tooling is simple, to ensure that the right tool, in good condition, is in the hands of the right person, at the right time, in the right place. To do that, the authors have created a unique five-phase process.
The purpose of lean tooling is simple, to ensure that the right tool, in good condition, is in the hands of the right person, at the right time, in the right place. To do that, the authors have created a unique five-phase process.
In this easy-to-read, practical guide, two top business executives explain how to employ the techniques pioneered by Toyota to put your business in position to bury the competition. They draw upon their personal experience of transforming dozens of manufacturing plants and businesses around the world to provide you with real-life examples of what works and what doesn't, charts and diagrams, as well as step-by-step instructions.
Learning to See Value Stream Mapping to Create Value & Eliminate MUDA
This Liquid Molding program encompasses several process variations of typically low-viscosity resin systems which are used in the production of detailed, high quality composite parts.
Liquid Paint Finishing Defects
Lost Foam Casting (LFC): Lower Lead Time and Increased Capabilities
Low-Cost Jigs, Fixtures, and Gages for Limited Production Instructor's Guide (eBook)
Machine Shop Simulation Model For Capacity Analysis
Written by an engineer with many years of experience in the industry, this practical guide provides a systematic approach to acquiring and setting up machine tools efficiently and cost-effectively. Machine Tools: Specification, Purchase, and Installation delivers a step-by-step plan for choosing the appropriate machine tool to meet your company's requirements and building the foundation that fits the specialized tool and the environment in which it will operate.