Lean Sample Group Examination Analysis Report (PDF)
Lean Sample Group Examination Analysis Report
Lean Sample Group Examination Analysis Report
The Lean Certification Blueprint provides additional useful information beyond the Body of Knowledge. The Body of Knowledge specifies the competencies, topics, and subtopics required by different types of lean professionals. The Blueprint goes one step further by specifying the segments of the relevant Body of Knowledge covered by the specific professional certification, and provides detail on the level of proficiency expected for each certification. The Blueprint codifies the content that lean certification addresses in terms of terminal learning objectives (TLOs) and enabling learning/certification objectives (ELOs).
Lean Certification How to Add Recertification Credits
Lean Certification Mentoring Guide
Lean Certification Recertification Credits and Requirements
Lean Certification Recertification Reflection Statement Form
Lean Gold Certification Blueprint
Lean Silver Certification Blueprint
Lean Silver Certification Essential Body of Work
Proctor Guide Instructions for Written Assessment Administration