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Displaying 501-510 of 2312 results for

TPM: Total Productive Maintenance DVD

This program demonstrates how predictive and preventive maintenance techniques can bring an end to crisis maintenance. You'll see how total productive maintenance (TPM) keeps equipment operating at design specs and gets more output from smaller facilities.

Training Within Industry DVD

Training Within Industry shows you how the four modules of training within industry (TWI), job relations (JR), job instruction (JI), job methods (JM), and job safety (JS) work together to sustain lean manufacturing.

Tube Forming Processes: A Comprehensive Guide

Tube Forming Processes: A Comprehensive Guide discusses the best materials, methods, and equipment for bending, cutting, branching, brazing and joining tubes. The book is suitable for the novice or for advanced tube fabricators. Information is from top industry experts covering the fundamentals and guidelines for tube fabrication, pipe fabrication, and other areas.