Chapter 10 - Metal Casting Reusable Molds (eChapter)
A chapter from Manufacturing Processes & Materials, Fifth Edition
A chapter from Manufacturing Processes & Materials, Fifth Edition
A chapter from Manufacturing Processes & Materials, Fifth Edition
Coated Abrasives Made With Abrasive Grit Clusters For Constant Perform
Co-extruded Blow-molded Fuel Tanks for New Emissions Requirements
Color Variables in Rotational Molding
Comparative Analysis of Hydraulic, Mechanical and Servo Press Drive Systems
Comparison of Measurements and Simulations for Machining of Aluminum
Components Of The High Speed Machining Center
The Composite Fabrication & Joining segment features the use of cutting, machining and drilling to fabricate composite parts, as well as, adhesive bonding and mechanical fastening methods for joining composite components.
The Composite Manufacturing Processes segment highlights the numerous methods of producing composite parts, including: manual lay-up, automated lay-up using tape laying machines and fiber placement machines, vacuum bag molding, spray-up, filament winding, pultrusion, and resin transfer molding. The various ways in which composite parts are cured is also presented.